Changelog: New Themes, My Content Page, and More
We're bringing you another awesome UnVale release with new OC page themes, a new My Content page, and tons of bug fixes!

It's been a few weeks since we released Worlds, and now we're back with another awesome update that I think you're really going to enjoy! Let's dive in.
Five new OC page themes - We know y'all LOVE customizing your OC pages, so what better way to do that than with more themes?! These themes are all gradients, so they really stand out compared to the original 10 we released previously. Shout out to our designer for such an amazing job!
New My Content page - Tired of 2304364579875 clicks to get to your favorite OC? We've added a new "My Content" page in the navigation of the site (for logged in users) that makes it SUPER easy to get to your OCs and worlds. Those few seconds saved really add up!
New Quick Add button in nav - We're in our ~ convenience era ~ right now, which means we're also making it easier to add new OCs and worlds right from the site's navigation! What are you going to do with all this newly reclaimed time?! (We both know the answer: more OC content.)
MANY bug fixes - I am excited to share that a very impactful, very longstanding bug has been finally squashed. You can now successfully order your images and written content on your OC pages! Special shoutout to our back-end developer for solving this massive headache. Additional fixes include:
- World links shared in places like Discord or social media now have a preview image
- We fixed an issue with written content loading infinitely if you had too much writing (this one's for you, salvo)
- Worlds written content now displays the description text properly
- Worlds no longer load infinitely if left open in a tab that you're not viewing
- OC cards on a World's edit page no longer incorrectly say your OC has zero comments
- World edit page OC counter should now correctly list the number of OCs in the world
- OCs that fall below the "Load More" cut off on a World edit page are now displayed properly on the "Add Characters" modal
That's everything for now! Go check it out on!
In our last release, I know I mentioned working on Worlds discovery and other improvements. Due to some of the downtime issues we experienced with our last release, we've had to table those projects for now. Additionally, I know some of you may notice the absence of the "Shops" page in our navigation. Our longstanding answer for "When will Shops reopen?" has been honest and consistent: we don't know. To help eliminate some of the confusion about our Shops functionality, we've removed it from the navigation so it's not so prominent. It's still something we want to do in the future, but we have no idea when that will be. I know both of these updates may not be what you want to hear, and I'm happy to talk more about them on Discord if you want more in-depth discussion.
On a brighter note, we're working on something you all are really going to love for our next release! It's a daily activity that's really going to help you get to know your OCs better.... so stay tuned!
As always, if you have any feedback, we would LOVE to hear from you in our Discord server. Our community plays a HUGE role in what we work on, so hearing from you (even if you dislike something) is much appreciated. Thanks!