Changelog: Unvale clickable links and markdown support

I am super excited to share this release with you, because it's a fun one with a lot of new functionality, including markdown support!

Changelog: Unvale clickable links and markdown support

Hello, everyone! I am super excited to share this release with you, because it's a fun one with a lot of new functionality! Read on to see what's new.

  • Unvale links now clickable on-site: You can now click on links to other areas of Unvale, meaning you can better promote your collaborative worlds, highlight your BFFs in your profile bio, show your friend a cool OC you found, and more!
  • Markdown support: You can now italicize, bold, strike through, and link to stuff in your profile bio, OC/world descriptions, and comments! See our full markdown guide on the help portal here.
  • Comment bug fix: Comment text now wraps correctly instead of breaking up the middle of a word. More bug fixes to come!
  • New featured OCs, worlds, and quotes: We have some new featured creations for you to check out; don't forget to congratulate folks on being highlighted!

All of this is LIVE NOW on!

To celebrate this super cool release, we want you to share all your favorite Unvale creations and users using now-clickable links and the #UVFavorites hashtag! Who is your favorite all-time Unvale user? Who is your favorite NEW user? Which collab world is the most fun? We have a full list of questions for you to answer below, but feel free to include your own questions, too! If you decide to participate, don't forget to use the #UVFavorites hashtag! Oh, and don't forget, you can use our new markdown support for prettier links! [ text]( url) --no spaces needed.

#UVFavorites question ideas:

  • Favorite Unvale user:
  • Favorite NEW Unvale user:
  • Silliest Unvale user:
  • User with most unique art style:
  • Most unique OC:
  • Favorite Unvale user from your favorite fandom:
  • Underated Unvale user:
  • Sweetest Unvale user:
  • Favorite Unvale character:
  • Favorite Unvale world:
  • Favorite Unvale collab world:
  • First Unvale OC you favorited:
  • First collab world you participated in:
  • Unvale user with a ton of OCs:
  • Unvale user that inspires you:
  • Add your own!

Alright, that's all for now! As always, we love to hear your feedback, so don't hesitate to share! See you on the platform!