Community Powered Events - Spotlight

Purple and blue sparkles frame the title Community Powered Events Spotlight
Check out the user made events on UnVale

We're shaking things up over at UnVale! Our community has been bustling with creativity and collaboration - so much so that our staff wanted to bring more light to what users have put together.

Every month, we'll be highlighting some of the user made community events going on! There's no limit to the types of events you'll see (or create) as they range from collaborative pieces to RP moments or even celebratory contests!

Here's some of the events going on right now...

🪐 Universes/Role Play


Legend has it that the moss grows on the north side of the trees
Why did you guys eat all my dirt....

What originally started as a silly fun reaction amongst users to a floor texture back in August, has now became an in depth and highly interactive universe for folks to roleplay on site! You might've seen our original spotlight on twitter as we wanted to capture some of the cool and lighthearted moments since the Eating Epidemic began. There's been rock trading, boss fights, and more... Keep in mind that the lore is ever expanding as EE ends their intermission and go into version 2!

Original EE Lore Iceberg
Current EE Lore Tracker


A floating island in the sky, full of dragons. The only rule? Nobody can leave.
Dragon Haven [DH] is a joinable world based on roleplaying, art and writing!
- zerothegreat

This user powered event was made for fellow dragon lovers! Inspired by the Eating Epidemic, Dragonhaven is a roleplaying world taken place in a kingdom located on a floating sky island. Users are encouraged to create or add dragon OCs, draw art and participate in roleplay!

You can find all lore and information in the designated world made by user: zerothegreat.

Dragonhaven World
Dragonhaven Lore
Rules and Info


Well hello there, stranger. My name is Professor M. L. Serrall, but you can just call me Professor S. If you're currently watching this recording, congratulations!! You've been chosen as eligible to become a HOST here at our fine cough -top-secret- cough establishment, Institute VEX!
- BoxOfCereal

Inspired by both Eating Epidemic and Dragonhaven comes a new roleplaying story called Protocol: EX - a sci-fi world revolving around aliens, powers, and a mission: eradicate the virus. This story has a horror element to it that adds to the tension of the lore and is currently looking for folks to join in!

Protocol Ex Main Page
Protocol Ex Introduction Writing

🎨 Prompts, Collabs and Contests

These events are fun prompts and challenges made by users on the site! They encompass different themes but all revolving around the month of October.


30 prompts for Tangled-tober

An alternative to Inktober's prompts! Named after the Disney movie, Tangled - the prompt covers themes that are both unrelated and related. Made by user: fixateandcreate


30 prompts for OC-tober

Another alternative to Inktober - this time, OC themed! Check out the fun October prompt that user, Cheydac, has put together.


The characters for a collaborative art piece that's Halloween themed
Artists so far: Teddie and SarFlare2

A Halloween collab, hosted by SarFlare2, where users are asked to dress up their OCs in Halloween costumes and join a collaborative drawing! All you have to do is respond to SarFlare's post that you'd like to join in and when it's your turn to draw, you'll be notified!


To celebrate a coming up birthday, user Fadedv2 is hosting an art contest! Deadline is October 17th at 12AM CST with results scheduled for October 18th at 12PM CST.

We hope you all enjoy the fun that has been brought to the platform by the community!

Interested in starting your own event?
Check out our article on how to do just that: