Community Powered Events - February Spotlight

Every month, we'll be highlighting some of the user made community events going on! There's no limit to the types of events you'll see (or create) as they range from collaborative pieces to RP moments or even celebratory contests!
Check out our last events spotlight here.
Want your event spotlighted? Tag your info page with #UVFeatureMe
Here's some of the events going on right now...
🪐 Collaborative World/Role Play

Long forgotten by modern society, there's a lost kingdom full of Beasts frozen in time, the Kingdom of Mascarde. This kingdom was known as a kingdom full of masks, cursed to take on their masked forms forever. Now, they have resurfaced due to unexpected visitors known as Beauties.
- Joeylovecookies
Come join a tale as old as time in this new collaborative world inspired by the story and themes of Beauty and the Beast!
Collaborative World
#Monstersofthehollow (WIP)

Monsters have supposedly lived in foggy hollow for decades, attacking and eating any living things they can find. a small town in the hollow, driftwood, claims to be friends with the monsters, abke to train them, even.
- Circusesart
A work in progress collab world has dropped - another monster theme for all our monster lovers! More information will be available in the future so stay tuned~

you’re just starting out and you found a job with a tired manager. the manager stands your ground for you if you need it and makes sure you’re ok at all times. the rude customers are insane, and a group of teenagers is constantly terrorizing the place for something your manager did. it’s so odd.
Inspired by the game “work at a pizza place” on Roblox, we have a new collab world set in the Builder Brothers Pizza shop! Grab a role and start cooking in this fun roleplay.
Collaborative World

Circus & Bellows is an entirely fictional world located in the Country of Theria. There are 7 factions The Undercity, The Outliers, The Imperial Iles, Spades, Clubs, Heartz, and Diamonds. Each faction has its purpose and abilities. Such as Heartz being almost completely Mechanical based being made of machine parts and robotics roaming the city. The Spades are the Royal Faction and are the (Self-Ellected) leaders and Royal Family.
- TrisckStudios
Take a peek at this world that outlines in depth details about its 7 factions, creating a very fun and immersive universe for you to jump into!
🎨 Prompts, Collabs and Contests
These events are fun prompts and challenges made by users on the site! They encompass different themes or celebrate milestones. Be sure to check them out.

Join in on MirellaSandy's Valentines themed OC challenge! Folks who participate will get a drawing. Ends at the end of February.

Dress your OC up for a night to remember with JellyfishBean's UVProm! Post it with the hashtag and check out all the other prom goers partying it up.

Sydnijo is celebrating hitting 100 followers! Join this OC challenge for a chance to win a FREE commission. Challenge ends March 31st!
We hope you all enjoy the fun that has been brought to the platform by the community! Want your event spotlighted? Tag your info page with #UVFeatureMe
Interested in starting your own event?
Check out our article on how to do just that: Creating Your Own Event
Want to host your own roleplaying world? Check out how to make your own collaborative world here: Creating your own Collaborative World